Category: Beading Tips

The beading tips category includes posts that offer you helpful hints for beading. Some of these posts may also appear in other categories. So, for example, information about how to count rows. This would appear in the technique section for the stitch as well as in the tips.

Some of these beading tips are very specific to particular techniques. For example, a tip on starting tubular Peyote. Other advice is more general: perhaps some tips on improving your beading tension.

I welcome articles and tips from other beaders. So, if you have something useful to share, send me an email: and I can help you put together and publish an article about it.

If you have questions about the tips shared on here, leave a comment. If you’re looking for help and can’t find any tip that covers your question, then you can use this form to put in a request for some information.

As with all the sections on this website, I’m growing things all the time. So, please check back here regularly to find more help. You can also join the ‘Become a Better Beader’ group for free. That will make sure you see all the new articles and advice, so you don’t miss a thing. If that sounds good, follow this link to sign up. Then look out for your monthly newsletter, full of all the latest beading news and help to guide you. Happy beading!