Category: Bead Weaving Tools

Have you just started learning how to bead? Are you wondering what tools you’ll need? Or have you started trying to buy tools and found you’re confused by all the options? Well, this section will help. I’ve explained what bead-weaving tools you will need and what options you will be facing. So, you can choose exactly what is right for you.

What are the basic bead-weaving tools?

Actually, bead-weaving is a great place to start if you want to work with beads. Why is that? Well, it doesn’t need you to invest in a lot of tools.

Your basic bead-weaving tools are simple: beading needle, scissors and a beading mat. Even the beading mat might be optional, as you will discover.

So, if all that is so simple, why do I need to give you an explanation of all this?

Well, this will probably come as no surprise, but you have a lot of options. Beading needles come in different lengths and sizes. So, do you know which is best for your project?

Did you know you will need special scissors for cutting your beading thread? If you do other crafts, you may have something that you can use when you start. But your kitchen scissors aren’t the solution! So, what is? Well, I’ve taken a look at the range of scissors, thread cutters and thread burners, so you can work out what you need.

Basically, if you’re stuck in a bead store, facing a wall of supplies and scratching your head, this should help to give you the answers you need. And remember, if I haven’t answered your specific question, you can ask me by using this link.