Category: Learn Herringbone Stitch

If you want to learn herringbone stitch for bead-weaving, this section is a good place to start.

It contains several blog posts that cover different aspects of the technique. These also link to online video tutorials. So, if you prefer to learn by watching someone demonstrate on camera, you can.

You don’t have to follow the posts is any special order. Although you might want to begin by reading the post about Herringbone weave. That gives you a good over view. From there, you should take a look at how to start the technique. But after that, you can dip into any of the different variations.

Unlike some techniques, you don’t have to learn herringbone stitch in any specific order. It is just as easy to begin with the tubular variations as it is to start with flat Herringbone.

However, I would recommend that you understand the basic stitch before you move on to increasing and decreasing, or shaping in other ways.

In addition to the video tutorials, these blog posts also link to beading projects. So, you can grab a pattern and immediately begin putting your new skills to good use.

You will also see that this technique integrates well with other basic bead weaving techniques. So, you might want to experiment further with that idea as well.

Herringbone is a lovely stitch to learn and creates a very attractive beaded fabric. It’s perfect for flat pieces and also dimensional work. So, I hope you enjoy exploring this section of ‘My World of Beads’ website.