Margie Deeb: The Beader’s Guide to Jewelry Design


Margie Deeb’s latest book, the Beader’s Guide to Jewelry Design is fabulous. I read it from cover to cover and was fascinated. Although I have been designing my own beaded jewelry for many years, I still found a lot to learn in this wonderful book.

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I already own Margie Deeb’s guide to colour for beaders and I have found that incredibly useful, so I was very keen to get my hands on a copy of her new book as soon as I heard about it. Those of you who know me will know that I have not had any formal design training, so I found this book to be just perfect for me. Margie Deeb has a wealth of experience that she brings to the table. Her writing style is clear and easy to understand, so you won’t find yourself getting bogged down in complicated terminology. Margie has also picked out examples of beaded jewelry by top designers, so the points she makes are illustrated with wonderful examples.

In this book, Margie Deeb looks at all the different elements of design. She summarises much of hear earlier book on colour in a single chapter (although the whole book is well worth a read in its own right). Margie also looks at such areas as Movement, Shape and how to design for a particular person, so creating something that will suit their body shape. Each chapter looks at the principles of design in detail, then encourages you to move forward by applying those principles to your own work. There are some practical exercises at the end of each chapter to guide you through the process. If you study this book and take on board all the great advice that Margie Deeb has to offer, you will undoubtedly increase your jewelry designing ability. Whether you just string beads or create more complex bead-weaving pieces, you will find plenty in here to improve your skills. I thoroughly recommend buying a copy!

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