How to create a bead colour bible


Have you ever wondered how to create a bead colour bible? Do you even know what I’m talking about here? And is this something you need? Well, I’m going to be answering all those questions in this blog post. So, you can decide how much this is going to help your beading.

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What is a bead colour bible?

I’m sure you’ve heard the term ‘bible’ in other art or design contexts. It basically refers to a reference book. So, you can use this to document elements of a design that you have completed. You might find this in a theatrical context. Any production will have its ‘design bible’ to document sketches for sets and costumes, fabric and paint samples etc.

On the other hand, you might create a document like this to pull together ideas for a project. So, in an interior design context, you might create a bible with images, fabric and paint swatches, to convey elements of the proposed design.

So, in a beading context, a colour bible is all about bead colour samples.

Now, this can be a way to document colour schemes that work. Or, it might be a place where you keep things that inspire you. Or, it can be a way to test out colour ideas.

Really and truly, you get to make this your own.

How to choose bead colours, Katie Dean, My World of Beads. Finding bead colors that work together.

Who needs this?

Anyone who enjoys beading.

Obviously, if you’re a designer, it’s hugely helpful to create records of colour schemes that you’ve used in the past, or ideas to try in the future.

But the same thing actually applies to anyone who enjoys working from tutorials. It’s all well and good to follow the designer’s colour scheme, but what if you need to make some changes?

  • Maybe you don’t particularly like the designer’s colours
  • Or, perhaps you can’t find some of the beads you need
  • Maybe you just don’t want to buy more beads

Basically, there are all kinds of reasons why you might want (or need) to change a colour scheme for an existing project. So, if you’re not terribly comfortable with colour, then learning how to create a beading colour bible can be hugely helpful.

How to create a beading colour bible

This is just one element of the new online beading course I run. It’s for anyone who wants to gain a bit more confidence with choosing bead colours.

I’ve arranged all the material into three sections. The first of which is all about teaching you how to create a beading colour bible.

Basically, you can include whatever you like. Choose things that you are going to find helpful and inspiring.

On the course, I’ve given you a lot of fun experiments to try with your own bead stash. So, you’re going to get to understand how bead colours play together. Find out what works and what doesn’t.

I do this in all sorts of ways. For example, in my own colour bible, I have pages where I’ve just printed off colour schemes that I like. This may prove inspirational for a future project.

I’ve spent time playing with my beads, creating strips of colour to see what looks good. Each time I do this, I have a particular experiment in mind. Maybe it’s trying to create an ombre effect with shades of one colour. Perhaps seeing what happens when I put one colour next to a range of different colours. How do the colours play on a black versus a white background?

I have tons of questions that I ask myself. Whenever I create such an experiment, I then add it to a page in my colour bible and make notes.

So, if ever I find myself stuck for inspiration, I can turn to this document and find something to try.

It’s also a lovely thing to do if you’re stuck in a beading rut. Just making simple strips of colours can be very soothing, and often ends up firing your imagination again.

What next?

So, if this has set you thinking, you can try making your own bible. Or, you can follow this link to join the online course and I will show you exactly how to create a bead colour bible.

Now, I think you’ll find this fun and rewarding, not just today, but forever.

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