Cubic Right Angle Weave Tutorials to Master the Technique


In the last post in this section, I taught you the basic CRAW technique. Well, once you have the basics, CRAW is a fantastically flexible stitch. It doesn’t just make ropes. You can also make brilliant dimensional objects and jewellery. So, how do you do that? Well, you need to master the technique fully. And I’ve got three simple Cubic Right Angle Weave tutorials that will allow you to do just that…

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What does it mean to master the technique?

With any beading technique, ‘mastery’ comes from understanding enough that you are able to problem solve and follow the most complex projects.

So, you will move beyond relying on someone to explain every little detail to you. You will understand enough of how the technique works to be able to work out parts that you might not have done before.

That might sound very scary. Maybe you’re thinking ‘that’s something I’ll never be able to do!’

But, the thing is, you can master any technique. All you need are two very simple things:

  1. simple projects to show you how the technique works
  2. lots of practice on your own

Now, you’re the only one that can put in the practice. But I can help you with the projects to teach you…

Cubic Right Angle Weave Tutorials to master the technique, My World of Beads

3 Cubic Right Angle Weave Tutorials to master the technique

Yes, you did read that right… It will take you just 3 Cubic Right Angle Weave tutorials to gain the skills you need to master this beading technique.

I’ve put together three online classes to take you through from beginner to advanced level in nice baby steps. So, all you have to do is then put in some practice!

They all teach through video demonstration, with simple projects to try. You can work at your own pace, all from the comfort of your own home. And you can ask me questions if you get stuck.

Tutorial 1

In the first class, I’ve focused on using CRAW to make a simple little box. This gives you the skills to create a flat shape. So, that could be something solid, like a square or rectangle. Or, it could be an open frame. So, with these skills, you can create more complex CRAW jewellery.

Then, you will learn how to build walls. So, you’re starting the first simple step in moving from 2D to 3D techniques. You can access this class here.

Tutorial 2

In the second class, you’re going to learn how to make a beaded bead…a full CRAW cube. This isn’t about the project, but about the next set of essential skills.

Basically, you’re learning how to add a roof to a structure and how to leave gaps in your work. So, these give you the full suite of 3D skills. You can access this class here.

Tutorial 3

In the final class, you get to practice the final elements you need for mastering CRAW. That is, adding colour, and learning tricks to deal with the beads in complex structures.

You’re going to notice that the CRAW structure allows you to create colouring that is 3D too. You can add different colours to each face of your individual cube! Sounds complicated doesn’t it? Well, not if someone teaches you how it works!

So, if you’re ready to try the really advanced class, use this link to get started now.

Katies Kube Beaded Box Project

The best way to do this…

Yes, you can use each of these Cubic Right Angle Weave tutorials on their own. But you might prefer to get the complete bundle, so you have access to all three at once. So, here’s the link to do that.

You’ll see that option links you to a big project to work on. That bit is entirely optional – you can just use these tutorials to gain the same skills with these mini projects. Then, you’ve opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Any CRAW project that takes your fancy, by any designer, will be a cinch! You will have mastered the technique and have the skills you need to make (or even design) anything you want!

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